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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


At the edge of a rocky shoreline, a woman sits, staring up at seven magnificent cups, all filled with different beguiling treasures. She is emotionally drawn to each one and cannot make up her mind which to take. The water and the moon in the background both accentuate the emotional pull that these dreams have over her.

This card represents having too many choices, all of which seem very appealing to you. You are spending time dreaming about them, imagining what each would be like. Still, you cannot pick one. This card includes a hint that might help. You are drawn to these choices emotionally. Set aside those emotions for a moment and invite a little reason into the picture. While emotionally appealing, some of the choices may not be good for you. Choose wisely.

If reversed, this card indicates someone who is living in a dream world without any real choices, just fantasies and hopes.

Use your intuition

  • What does each treasure in each cup represent?
  • Which tarot card would correspond to each treasure?

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